ost west club est ovest

Heimspiel – Live Vinyl DJ-Set with VELOZIPED

Liebe Mitglieder, am Samstag, 2. Dezember (21.00-00.00 Uhr) freuen wir uns im altehrwürdigen ost west club est ovest in der Meraner Altstadt auf HEIMSPIEL – LIVE VINYL DJ SET with VELOZIPED! Walter Garber aka DJ Veloziped wird uns wieder einmal besuchen und uns eine wirklich besondere Musikauswahl an den Plattenspielern präsentieren.

Von 21.00 bis 00.00 Uhr  erwarten euch elektronische Musik vom Feinsten, die von unserem DJ unter das Publikum gebracht werden und mit viel Liebe und Leidenschaft zusammengestellt wurden. Vergesst eure Tanzschuhe nicht!

DJ Veloziped – Walter Garber aka Veloziped is a vinyl collector and DJ. Grown up with the cosmic mixtapes, spent the golden 90ties in Vienna, submerged into house and techno and found their roots with funk, soul and disco. He is the founder of the hot fondamënt parties and with some friends he hosts the relaxing Sunday Best events. Veloziped is formerly known as Technowalter and sure is a guru in this field, not many people with this knowledge around!

IMPORTANT: Per partecipare a tutti gli eventi est ovest bisogna essere soci. Einlass nur mit gültiger Mitgliedskarte 2023!

Car* soc*, sabato 2 dicembre (21:00-00:00) vi aspettiamo per HEIMSPIEL – LIVE VINYL DJ SET con VELOZIPED presso la „vecchia“ sede ost west club est ovest nel centro storico di Merano! Walter Garber, alias DJ Veloziped, ci farà nuovamente visita e ci presenterà una selezione di musica davvero speciale ai giradischi.

Dalle 21.00 alle 00.00 vi aspetta la migliore musica elettronica, che sarà portata al pubblico dal nostro DJ e messa insieme con tanto amore e passione. Non dimenticate le scarpe da ballo!

DJ Veloziped – Walter Garber aka Veloziped is a vinyl collector and DJ. Grown up with the cosmic mixtapes, spent the golden 90ties in Vienna, submerged into house and techno and found their roots with funk, soul and disco. He is the founder of the hot fondamënt parties and with some friends he hosts the relaxing Sunday Best events. Veloziped is formerly known as Technowalter and sure is a guru in this field, not many people with this knowledge around!

IMPORTANT: Per partecipare a tutti gli eventi est ovest bisogna essere soci. Einlass nur mit gültiger Mitgliedskarte 2023!

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