Vernissage: The Art Behind (Tattoo-art exhibition)

Liebe Mitglieder, es freut uns sehr euch für die letzte Ausstellung der Saison im Club eine Kunstform vorstellen zu können, die viele von euch kennen und schätzen, aber die auch und immer noch mit einigen Schwierigkeiten zu kämpfen hat. Wir präsentieren mit „The Art Behind“, die erste Tattoo-Ausstelung, die jemals in Südtirol stattgefunden hat. Die Vernissage findet am Freitag 13. April mit Beginn um 19.30 Uhr bei uns statt, bereits ab 18.00 Uhr und anschließend immer zu unseren Öffnungszeiten ist die Ausstellung einsehbar. Bis zum 1. Juni ist The Art Behind im Clubs zu sehen.

Con “The Art Behind” il Club Est Ovest ha voluto creare l’occasione per gettare uno sguardo sull’arte che si manifesta nel tatuaggio: speriamo così di sollevare i restanti pregiudizi che ancora aleggiano su questa forma di creatività e dare l’occasione a tutti di ammirarne invece le tecniche e gli stili. In c ollaborazione con 8 artisti attivi in provincia, il club ha raccolto 24 opere originali realizzate da Omar Boggian, Martin Di Collalto, Dani Green, Daniel Hofer, Fabian Langes, Matteo Lescio, Emil Mariscal, Manuel Winkler, e le metterà in mostra dal 13 aprile al 2 giugno 2018 nei locali dell’associazione. Sia gli originali delle opere, che alcune stampe numerate, saranno in vendita. Il ricavato verrà devoluto all’Associazione DEBRA Südtirol Alto Adige ONLUS, che da anni si occupa di persone affette da Epidermolisi Bollosa, i cosiddetti bambini farfalla. Se per alcuni la propria pelle può essere un’opera d’arte e un mezzo di espressione, per altri è causa di enormi sofferenze. “The Art Behind” si propone come una celebrazione dell’arte tatuatoria e come uno stimolo a valorizzarne la qualità e le pratiche professionali.

Vernissage The Art Behind – Freitag, 13. April um 19.30 Uhr

Info: L’arte del tatuaggio è antica come la cultura umana. Sappiamo, ad esempio, che il più antico abitante della nostra Provincia di cui siamo a conoscenza, soprannominato Oetzi, aveva tatuaggi rituali e terapeutici in diverse parti del corpo. Attraverso i secoli e declinata nelle diverse culture, quest’arte ha conosciuto sempre nuovi sviluppi e contaminazioni. Oggi il tatuaggio non è più tabù o sinonimo di una vita degradata e criminale, eppure sono ancora in molti gli scettici che guardano ai disegni sulla pelle con un misto di diffidenza e preoccupazione.

Die Künstlerinnen und Künstler

Omar was born in Merano, this is also where he successfully graduated from a graphic design school. He is a passionate tattoo artist that has been working as such since 2007. His favorite styles are comic, trash and watercolour tattoos. Each design he tattoos is unique and personalised. The drawings have been made especially for the exhibition and have been brought to paper through fantastical thoughts and with a lot of humor.

Martin started his apprenticeship in Bolzano when he turned 18, since he always loved tattoos and knew I would be interested in tattooing one day. He has been working with Matteo Lescio since 2009, when they opened their own tattoo shop, Highscore Tattoo, in Bolzano. He particularly loves traditional American and Japanese tattoos, and he always tries to improve himself.

Dani Green is a tattoo artist from England, who is now based in Meran, South Tyrol. She has a fine art degree and a background in illustration work. This creative foundation made tattooing a natural step for her, and she has been working in the craft for 5 years now. She enjoys taking on a variety of subject matters, but her favourites are animals, women and nature. Her styles of choice are neotraditional and illustrative/new school.

Daniel is from Lana and has always been fascinated by comics and cartoons. Right after graduating from a graphic design high school he started to work at the tattoo studio Clockwork Tattoos in Naturno (today in Merano). In 2014 he opened his own private studio in Merano. Daniel prefers the traditional tattoo-style and gets inspired by other tattoo artists, graphic designers and illustrators. He tries to make his creations as long lasting as possible.

Fabian is a tattoo artist from Merano that has been tattooing in his own studio, Clockwork Tattoos, since 2004. He’s been drawing since infancy and probably inherited his talent from his father. Fabian taught himself how to tattoo and would describe his style as illustrative and neotraditional. He is fascinated by the art of tattooing, since it is one of the very few artforms you can make a living off while still being creative all the time. It is also the only form of art where the artwork dies with its owner.

Matteo studied design in Milan and then came back to his hometown, Bolzano, where he started tattooing. Later on, Matteo and Martin decided to open their own tattoo shop in 2009: Highscore Tattoo. He especially loves traditional and tribal tattoos. He also does graphics for records and prints for friends, which he particularly enjoys if he can use black as the main ink!

Emil has always been a creative person that is very passionate and curious, but for him it all started when he got his first tattoo at the age of 18. From there on he got more and more enthusiastic about tattoos and their origin and story. He ended up opening his own studio in Milan (Italy), and then back to his hometown, Bolzano. He then started collaborating with the guys at Highscore Tattoo.

Manuel is 36 years old and works as a tattoo artist in Merano. After getting education in graphic design, he worked for a tattoo studio in Spain for a while. After that, he started to work at Clockwork Tattoos in Naturno with Fabian. In 2013 he opened his own studio in Merano. Manuel is inspired by artists such as M.C. Escher, 3D construction manuals and by other black- and dotwork artists. His biggest inspiration, however, is nature in all its beautiful glory.

Debra und die Schmetterlingskinder: Schmetterlingskinder haben eine Haut die so verletzbar ist, wie die Flügel eines Schmetterlings. Sie leben mit der angeborenen Hauterkrankung Epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria (kurz: EB). Diese Erkrankung verursacht bei geringster Belastung schmerzhafte Blasen und Wunden am ganzen Körper. Menschen mit EB sind mit einer folgenschweren, erblich bedingten und derzeit noch nicht heilbaren Hauterkrankung konfrontiert. Das Leben der Betroffenen ist schmerzvoll und mühsam, bei manchen Formen der EB ist auch die Lebenserwartung erheblich verkürzt. Die Organisation DEBRA Südtirol – Alto Adige hilft seit dem Gründungsjahr 2004 Schmetterlingskindern und Menschen mit EB und möchte über die Krankheit aufklären und sensiblisieren und über Spenden Hilfe zur Verfügung stellen. Die erzielten Einnahmen aus dem Verkauf der Originalwerke und Drucke von “The Art Behind” werden wir deshalb dieser Organisation zur Verfügung stellen.

Für Spenden:
Banca Popolare dell’Alto Adige
DEBRA Südtirol – Alto Adige
IBAN: IT56 P058 5658 3600 1557 1103 341